Beauty First

Facial Thread Lifts “Happy Lift”

Facial Thread Lifts “Happy Lift”

In recent years, there has been a considerable number of advances in anti-ageing treatments, both to prevent the signs of ageing from developing, and then to disguise them once they are present. As a result of this, many people are turning away from the traditional facelift and looking for less invasive methods instead. The facial threads method, one particular form of which is known as the “Happy Lift”, is an alternative to more invasive surgical treatment.

Happy Lift involves the use of facial threads, or sutures, which will be inserted under the skin and provide a supporting structure for sagging tissues. The threads are made from substances that have been used in absorbable sutures for many years, and are proven to be both safe and non-allergenic. However, they have been adapted so that they can stay in the body for a longer period of time.

The facial threads in the Happy Lift procedure take up to thirty minutes to insert if the entire face is being treated, but could be as little as fifteen if only smaller regions are being lifted. There are no visible scars as a result of the procedure. The results should last up to three years, as long as you take precautions such as avoiding excessive amounts of drinking and smoking, which contribute considerably to the ageing process.

You will be advised of some basic precautions to take during the recovery time to ensure that you achieve the best possible results.

*Individual results may vary